General Safety 
Please agree to abide by these basic guidelines to ensure you and those around you have a safe net session. 
Parking and entering the centre 
You must not enter anywhere else on school grounds other than the sports hall park and the sports hall. No dogs are allowed out of cars. 
During evening and weekend session there may be a large amount of car movements in the car park, please be aware of other car park users. 
Players and coaches only are allowed in the playing area. Spectators please use the viewing gallery. 
The school and Piri Piri carry no responsibility for loss or damage in the car park. 
Be aware that the indoor nets provide a much faster batting surface than natural grass. 
Players must wear the correct protective equipment at all times: 1. Pads 2. Thigh Pad 3. Gloves 4. Helmet 5. Box 6. Plus any extra padding depending on experience, speed of bowler etc. 
Players must pad up in the changing rooms provided – not the nets 
Do not take your kit bags etc into the nets they can cause obstructions which prevent people taking evasive action. 
Please do not wear jewellery or watches and ensure pockets are empty 
When preparing to bat players must stand at the back of the net and keep eyes on the ball at all times. 
Be aware of what is happening in the adjacent nets; please wait for a safe moment to retrieve the ball. 
Only one player shall bowl in any one net at any one time 
Those waiting to bowl must stand in a sensible position and watch the ball to avoid being stuck 
Under legislation the school has a duty of care regarding safeguarding of young people in hires of school property. Commercial or large groups have paperwork that must be completed. Adults supervising their own children are fine without this paperwork. All adults should be mindful of their behaviour and language, as well as keeping children safe in the sports hall, and should flag any concerns to the sports hall manager or the school directly. 
We will ask the hirer to sign a letter as detailed below prior to booking, to return to Holmwood House for their records. 
In order to comply with the new KCSIE 2021 requirements we are required to receive confirmation 
from all businesses / organisations who hire Holmwood House facilities to work with children that 
appropriate arrangements are in place to keep children safe. This means appropriate safeguarding 
and child protection policies and procedures are in place, including safer recruitment checks. OFSTED 
or governing body (e.g. FA or ECB) guidelines will explain what is required.  
KCSIE 2021 allows us to inspect these and explains that if any company fails to comply with its own 
safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures the school can terminate the agreement 
This is an addendum to the hire agreement. 
It is really important that you ask parents and children not to wander outside the areas that you have 
In the event of an accident please contact the sports hall manager on: 07735455508 
Bowling Machine Safety 
Bowling Machines Are Dangerous – THINK SAFETY AT ALL TIMES! 
To make use of one of our BOLA machines the hirer must agree to the following: 
Operators MUST be over 18 yrs old 
That all batters will be protected by the minimum of: 1. Batting Gloves 2. Pads 3. Cricket box 4. Cricket helmet including face guard 5. Forearm Guard (if practicing short pitched deliveries) 
All batters are over the age of 12yrs 
That only the batter and the machine operator are in the net and all spectators are on the viewing gallery 
All users will take time to familiarise themselves with the machine and assimilate the speed and bounce of the delivery before delivering to a batter 
The hirer will not tamper with the machine or remove any screens or safety guards 
That all adjustments of speed or length are done with the knowledge of the batter 
Speed and length are set to suit the individual batter 
ONLY bowling machine balls will be used in the machine 
The hirer will report any damage to the machine to sports hall manager: 07735455508 
The hirer will satisfy themselves that the machine is safe before using it 
The hirer understands that is there is no first aider on site and that they are using the machine entirely at their own risk. 
The first aid kit located inside the sports cupboard to the right hand side. The local A&E is: Colchester Hospital, Turner Rd, Colchester CO4 5JL 
In the case of an accident please contact the sports hall manager on: 07735455508